aliasing frequency中文什么意思

发音:   用"aliasing frequency"造句
  • frequency:    n. 1.屡次,频仍,频繁。 2.( ...
  • frequency aliasing:    频率混叠; 频率混淆
  • aliasing:    别名判别; 别名使用, 别名的命名; ...
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  1. From theoretical analysis , we know the existing demodulation methods have limitations as following : one is that the subtraction of the two signals frequencies will display as the result of demodulation when we demodulate two time - domain adding signals without modulating information ( fault information ) ; the other one is that aliasing phenomenon will occur as a result of getting absolute value , detection or square in the process of generalized demodulation analysis , such phenomenon will result in some superfluous frequency composition on the frequency spectrum , which will puzzle the detec tion of mechanical vibration . if the sampling frequency is selected from a suitable range , the aliasing phenomenon will be avoided ; the last one is that aliasing frequencies will be produced in zoom demodulation analysis because this algorithm cannot employ digital low - pass filtering to avert the folding frequencies of higher harmonics in the process of zoom sub - sampling
  2. The non - aliasing frequency and non - ambiguous 2 - d angles is obtained by the phase characteristic of eignevalue and integral search method in this dissertation , an algorithm of spatio - temporal 2 - dspectra estimation based on 4th - order cumulants was introduced and used to realize a prototype scout , a calibration algorithm in the wide - band array system is proposed


  1. aliasing criteria 什么意思
  2. aliasing distortion 什么意思
  3. aliasing effect 什么意思
  4. aliasing error 什么意思
  5. aliasing filter 什么意思
  6. aliasing modulation 什么意思
  7. aliasing noise 什么意思
  8. aliasing problem 什么意思
  9. aliasing spectra 什么意思
  10. aliaskar 什么意思


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